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Why do we feel guilty...


Do you feel guilty about taking care of yourself?


I wanted to take a break away from beauty tips and talk about self-care, I use to think that taking that one hour a day for me was like taking the world away from my son and family.  But did you know that taking one hour a day can re-charge your mind, body and soul.


Why do we find it so difficult to take care of ourselves?  This was a question that my therapist asked me.  I once answered that by saying I’m being selfish, my time is when I am sleeping or driving into work and when my son is awake or family needs me then it’s when  I have to step it up for them.  But that is wrong, self-care is taking care of your inner child, that one that needs us to still take care of not to be confused with taking care of your own child or significant other.  Our inner child needs compassion, comfort, warmth, love and time to nurture ourselves.  Our inner child needs to be just that a child, one who needs to know it’s OK to keep growing and allow our emotions to come out. 


There is no right or wrong way to self-care but maybe some of you feel that buying a new pair of shoes or taking a vacation is self-care and that’s all you need.  Sometimes I find my self-care is in a shopping spree at Ulta or Sephora (one that I don’t recommend it can be expensive).  Just like our inner child needs to speak up, we need to learn to listen as well.  Take that break when you’re hungry, allow yourself to cry if you need to cleanse your soul and laugh like NO ONE is watching.  We all have a purpose and a special path to take, it’s time to accept that YOUR needs should be your priority in YOUR everyday decision.


As being a people pleaser one thing that was so hard for me to accept and follow through was to say NO when you feel like saying it, I now just throw in a smile to take that guilty feeling away. 😊 


Finally remember there is only ONE of YOU, make sure you are doing everything within your reach to keep yourself sane and grounded.


Sending hugs and smiles your way!  Happy Wednesday!


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