Did you know that having a nighttime routine is just as important as having a morning routine, let’s talk about washing our faces. Did you know that over-washing your skin will strip the natural oils from your face, this will cause your face to go into overdrive and produce even more oil. There are a few mistakes that we often do without realizing that we are doing it.
Did you know that washing your face in the shower can cause more damage? The reason it causes more damage is because we tend to shower with hotter water, its ideal to wash with lukewarm water and finish your last rinse with cooler water to close the pores.
Do you exfoliate your skin daily? Exfoliating is good but not every day, the reason why it’s not good is due to our skin type. When it comes to darker skin exfoliating can cause pigmentation issues and cause spots. Many Dermatologist will tell you that over exfoliating will cause your skin to peel and flake and increase the look of red irritated skin.
- Sensitive skin – it’s ideal to exfoliate once or twice a week, please avoid scrubs that have beady parts
- Oily skin – because your skin can tolerate more, try cleansing with a Clarisonic facial brush daily ideal in the morning and at night use a serum
- Normal/Combination skin – you can use either methods up to three times a week
Please note – if you suffer from occasional acne, please don’t exfoliate your skin it’s already inflamed by exfoliating it will cause more harm.
talk chemical peels, these are great for those that want to improve the texture
of their skin. Chemical peels shouldn’t be done at home, please see a
dermatologist so that they can tell you if this is an option and which one is
the best for your skin type.
4 easy steps to properly wash your face
1. Step 1 – Wash your face with lukewarm water and a cream or gel cleanser
Using hot water on your face will dry it out, cream cleansers are more hydrating but if you wear a lot of make up its best to use a gel cleanser. Pat your face dry, never rub we don’t want to stretch our skin and cause wrinkles.
2. Step 2 – Let’s talk toner, I personally like to store mine in the refrigerator, so it feels cool while applying it. If you have an oily t-zone using a toner will be a huge benefit to you, just soak a cotton ball and dab on your face and focus on your problem areas.
3. Step 3 - Have you ever had a green juice for health benefits well did you know using a serum is the same but for your face. When purchasing your serum, look for the one that is targeting areas of improvement like anti-aging, redness, moisturizing or dryness. (Perfect step to start your facial massages)
· Quick tip: (You can mix your serum with your moisturizer) Make sure that your daytime moisturizer has SPF unless you will add some sunscreen (use SPF30) and night moisturizer should be thicker
· It’s important that your moisturizer has retinol – this helps fight signs of aging skin and will improve the appearance of collagen depleted skin and speed up the renewal.
· Moisturizers with retinol should be yellowish in color, now the make-up industry has gotten smart and decided to add yellow coloring to their face creams and pretend there is retinol in it, read the ingredients if it has turmeric or dandelion in it then it has real retinol.
4. Step 4 – Don’t forget to moisturize your eye with your eye cream, when using it in the morning allow it to dry before applying your make-up.
If you would like to know the products that I use, please feel free to ask.
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